25 may 2019 _ The end of the project cominig soon (august 2019). That's why we asked this question to our partners : " If we have to restart our project now, after 2 years of partnership, what we have to keep, to stop and to create, to improve our practices and our collective productions ? ". All the partners participated to this participative evaluation during M4 (transnational meeting 4) in Thessaloniki, on saturday, the 25th may 2019. Many lessons learned. One of them from a teacher : « I would like to say to each one of you , how much I counted every minute in your company . Your will to change something , to see in the other what is beautiful to share . Y our gestures , your words , our sharing, our exchanges, our tears also sometimes , our many laughs , everything that made this project an unforgettable experience . Seeds are sown , nothing is finished ! I know that all this will accompany me in my school , in my ...
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