16 feb 2019 _ After the evaluation about our course, we had a loat exchange with Marion COLLARD. She works as a mediator at Maison de la Creation, and she is also an artist (photographe, plasticienne) who leads workshop with migrants kids. She made an interesting exhibition, with self portrait about 12 young people who can't show their face. Because the were under 18 years old. The central question is "how can you express your identity ?". It could be intelligent to use the same process in our class, sais the french teacher ! Of course, you can ... isn't it Marion ?
25 may 2019 _ The end of the project cominig soon (august 2019). That's why we asked this question to our partners : " If we have to restart our project now, after 2 years of partnership, what we have to keep, to stop and to create, to improve our practices and our collective productions ? ". All the partners participated to this participative evaluation during M4 (transnational meeting 4) in Thessaloniki, on saturday, the 25th may 2019. Many lessons learned. One of them from a teacher : « I would like to say to each one of you , how much I counted every minute in your company . Your will to change something , to see in the other what is beautiful to share . Y our gestures , your words , our sharing, our exchanges, our tears also sometimes , our many laughs , everything that made this project an unforgettable experience . Seeds are sown , nothing is finished ! I know that all this will accompany me in my school , in my ...
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