14 feb 2019 _ Fatoum (musician) welcomed us in a strange language. Nobody knew it ! Does it exist ? Yes, it is. FATOUM talked to us only in Berbere Language ... also with bodylanguage, with her expressive eyes and fantastic voice. Without speak the same langage, we managed to present ourself, and to sing and learn 2 songs. We will play it on stage with kids on sunday ! Keep pressure. Hey teachers & educators, what do you think about this "berbere" experience ?
Photo : HC _ Laba
- we felt no discrimination feeling, because no one knew this language except the teacher !
- we felt when we sang together that music unit us,
- we shared a common goal, whatever our origins
- we tried to built a common thing with a "no language"
- Fatoum, the taecher, encourage us a lot ! It was a success key, no mistake in this workshop, only progression
- we learned step by step, with a lot of repetition (sing again an again)
- we felts that we were actor about what we have learned
Photo : HC _ Laba
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