Hey ! We recieve this interesting report about our subject. You can read & download it HERE, on the European Commission Platform. Resume " This Eurydice report investigates what top-level education authorities across Europe do to promote the integration of students from a migrant background into schools. It presents a comparative mapping of a wide range of national policies and measures aimed at placing newly arrived migrant students in schools and addressing the various issues related to them. It also offers a deeper analysis of some of the key policies that can enable schools to welcome students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds and to take into account students’ social and emotional needs in order to encourage their learning and development (...) The report also analyses the comprehensiveness of policy approaches, which puts equal emphasis on the diversity and well-being side. Information covers 42 education systems, including the 28 EU Member States as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey." We try to meet the author in Bruxelles, during the next Curse (C2 at Maison de la Création / 13 to 17 February 2019)
Le LABA _ 30 jan 2019
Le LABA _ 30 jan 2019
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