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Affichage des articles du mai, 2019

C3 : start with REACT

21 may 2019 _ First visit in Municipality of Thessaloniki with Eleni Ntompridou (project communication manager) to explain to us the REACT program. REfugee Assistance Collaboration in Thessaloniki. Seeting as priority the provision of humanitarian aid and assistance to people in need, while remaining faithful to the values of respect for human rights. With different partners, the Municipality propose during the stay of People of Concern (PoC) : Maintenance of apartments and equipment Accompaniment & interpretation, psycho-social support, consultations, medical examinations and health assistance ... Support for refugee access to education and children enrollment in schools via Social Scientists ("we design pedagogic activities and develop cultural activities for children 4 to 16 years old") Events for the promotion of the peaceful co-existence with neighbors and host communities. "We propose information about everything (like bank account) and "If