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Affichage des articles du octobre, 2018

We use "salad" of methologies

What a good week we spent ! The first Course (C1) has gathered, during 5 days (10 to 15th october 2018) an european group, with different background. Teachers, artists & educators from 3 countries worked together, exchanged their practices, visited experiences ...  to understand why is important to have a transversal approach about Migrant's situation before developp pedagogies trough Arts. Thanks to Anne, Kawthar, Olivier, Fatoum, Florence (from Belgium), Koldo, Efthi, Vasileios, Maria, Aikaterini, Maria (from Greece), Aurelia, Zohra, Sophie, Jacques-Pierre, Elise, Catherine, Margaux, Hervé (France) for their activ participation. See U next time in Brussels for the second Course in Frebruary 2019. Thanks also to french local organisations which recieve us : Service Culture de la ville de Bègles  CADA (France Terre d'Asile) Centre social et Culturel Estey Bègles Jardins partagés Thorez-Goelands Bègles INSUP Formation Bègles (LFE) Ecoles Marcel Sembat et Ferd

See U this Week End

Come on ! You are welcome at the Rocher de Palmer, Cenon, on Saturday morning (13.10 / 10h30 to 12h30) & on Sunday afternoon (14.10 / 14h to 17h) to share good vibrations with Migratory Musics.  A very interesting Talks is waiting for you, on Saturday, to listen to researchers, associations and teachers on the issue of welcoming and promoting mother tongues. A magic moment is waiting for you, on Saturday, wtih a documentary video about the projetc, the songs of the children recording this year & a concert (Cie Mohein who accompanied the children in class). All is free, all is fantastic !

Video on line

 4 video clip to discover & to share the spirit of Migratiory Musics Project. With the actors & the partners of diffrents countries (Belgium, Greece & France), listen how they talk about this singular european project. Clik here on this chanel created by the Rocher de Palmer.